Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 16, 2010


Ashtyn is doing well with potty training.  She only had one accident today and used the potty all day long!  We even ran around today.   Ashtyn asked to go to "The Walmart" to get a present for doing such a good job.  She picked out a pink baby doll and named it, Gia.  She loves the name Gia.  She names all her baby dolls Gia.  Ellie tried to get her to name it something else, but she wouldn't do it.  It was so hard for me not to buy anything for Ellie.  Carl explained to her that it was a special day for Ashtyn and she couldn't get something (that was hard for me).   

Tonight we drove out to the new subdivision to see if they did anything to "the land" (that's what the girls call it).  They put down the gravel and looks like they may start the new house soon.  I don't think the girls realize that they are going to have to move out of their Lolo and Lola's house.  It's fun times .......... all the time over here!

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