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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Imagination Station

Today we went up to Madison to see my friend Brooke and her kids (Chloe and Cohen).  Brooke took us to the Imagination Station. The kids had a blast.  They were able to play puppets, dress up, climb, run, jump, and act like a fool.  They loved it and I thought they played really well together.  Her kids are very sweet and we had a blast.  After Imagination Station, we took the kids to Gatti Land and ate pizza before the drive home.  We had a good time and we don't go up there enough!

Riding Around

I love this horse!

Safety First!

Princess Ellie
My Little Monkey

1 comment:

  1. We will have to check it out. Ya know, I love Madison! ♥
    I love that last pic of Ashtyn.
