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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

On the Potty

Ashtyn is a big girl now. She wants to be potty trained. She is actually doing a very good job. She knows when to tell me it's time to get on! She loved getting the positive praise from Ate (Ellie). Ellie is such a good big sister. She motivates her and even helps her get on. I am so proud of her. She is very stubborn and I thought it would take her awhile, but she is catching on quickly. She even argues with me when I try to put a diaper on her for nap time. Today we went to the mall to pick up daddy's birthday gift and forgot she didn't have a diaper on. We didn't even have a diaper bag (bad habit). When we were walking through the shoe store, she told me she had to go. I totally forgot she didn't have a diaper. We raced to the restroom and we made it! We are super proud of her!

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