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Monday, July 19, 2010

Daddy Where Are You?

This morning we could hear Ashtyn on the monitor yelling, "Daddy where are you?"  Carl jumped out of bed at 4 am and rushed to her room.  On the monitor, I could hear her telling her daddy that she doesn't sleep in her bed she sleeps in Daddy's bed and she wanted him to hold her.  When he brought her in bed, she found me and of course I was her first choice.  It was so sad hearing her call out his name.  She sounded so scared.  I bet she was having a dream because usually she just gets up and comes to our room.  The saddest part of it all for me is that she could have a big girl conversation and it all made sense.  She is getting so big and it makes me so sad (oh yeah and the fact that she will probably never sleep in her own bed)!

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