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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Well....the trouble continues with my little Ashtyn and her sleeping situation.  Carl and I decided (well I made him do it) to take turns every night to put her asleep.  Every night when it is Carl's turn...she cries for me.  She calls my name (while she is crying hysterically).  She tells Carl she wants me and she doesn't give up.  It breaks my heart.  I have been thinking a lot lately about my kids and how fast they are growing.  Like any other mother...I get so weepy thinking about them.  I have came to the conclusion, I am going to suck it up and put Ashtyn to bed every night.  It might take me 30 min or so, but I should really cherish every second I have with them.  Soon she won't be asking me to stay with her she will be kicking me out!  So for now, I will sit by her side and just rub her back and think about how much I love her and how she has done nothing but make my life better than it already was!



  1. At least she is precious! I have one that does the same thing to me. God love them!
