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Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Girls

It has been FOREVER since I had posted something!  Life has been a little crazy around here for me.  I just want to post a few thing about the girls before I forget. 
Ashtyn-  Ashtyn still wants me to put her in her bed every night.  I started lying down next to her on the floor and I have fell asleep two nights in a row!  Last night, I was sleeping  on the floor and Ashtyn gave me her blanket and got herself another.  I thought that was so sweet.  Sometimes under her crazy, hard exterior, she is so lovable!  Ashtyn loves to sing.  She has been grabbing her Hannah Montana guitar and sings...sings...sings!  Her favorite artist right now is Train (Hey, Soul Sister and Will You Marry Me?)  I love how she knows most of the lyrics and takes her singing very seriously.  Ashtyn has been playing very well with Ellie.  She really looks up to her and wants to be like her.  I think it is so sweet how she wants to tell her goodnight and always looks for her!
Ellie-  Ellie is getting so  big!  She is doing a really good job at school and  loves to learn.  Ellie is so independent.  The things she comes up with is CrAzY.  She talks like she is 10 years old.  She is growing up right before my eyes.  Ellie is a great big sister.  She takes care of Ashtyn and loves playing with her.  It amazes me how they can use their imagination and play forever!  Ellie loves to do silly dances and build or create things.  She is always wanting to do art projects.  Ellie is still playing the piano and glued to the TV;)
Both girls are into Barbies and love watching 12 Dancing Barbies (they ALWAYS put on a dress and twirl around) so cute!
The girls are happy and healthy and looking forward to their birthday at SIGS!

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