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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Remembering 2010

When I look back on 2010, I think of how much my little girls have grown.

Ellie went to 4 year old preschool. Her teacher is Mrs. Litkenhouse. She has a lot of friends and loves going to school. She loves to do anything that has to deal with learning. She can count over 100 and knows all her colors, letters, sounds, and even how to sound out words. She is such a laid back little girl. She is so sweet and loves her family. She is a good big sister. She loves to just sit at home and watch movies and this year she is into Barbies, babies, and coloring. She started piano lessons and loves it! Her teacher said she is very smart and is catching on quickly. She loves all of her stuffed animals and probably sleeps with 20 of them at night. She is so excited about the new house and I can't believe she will be going into Kindergarten in 2011. My baby will be 5!
Ashtyn is our little spit fire.  She is very active and has her own personality.  She is starting to like watching movies, play with dolls, barbies, and anything she can do outside.  She loves her mommy and wants to do everything with her.  She loves her sister so much! She wants to be just like her.  She copies everything she does and doesn't want to share her with anyone else.  She even cries if her sister is playing with someone else.  She loves dipping her food especially in ranch.  She loves chewing gum (even though we fight her with it every time.)  She has been sleeping in her bed, but we still have a hard time getting her to fall asleep. Ashtyn can count to 20 (not correct every time), knows her colors, and can spell part of her name.  Ashtyn will start preschool in 2011.  She will be 3!

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