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Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Day for A Princess or Two

Loving Life!

Birthday Girl (5)

Sisterly Love
I told Ellie that I would take her out for her birthday to get her nails done.  I took her to a nail shop down the street from the house.  I was going to take her by herself to have a "special" day, but she thought it would be fun to take her sister.  What can I say...I love my girls.  They got their nails done while I took the pictures.  Ellie was talking to the lady like she was her best friend.  It was so funny....she is usually my shy one.  Ashtyn was quiet the whole time.  She sat there quietly and patiently.  It was so much fun.  I am so glad my little girls love doing things with each other and their mommy. I am so blessed to have them in my life with girls is complete (who knows maybe we can squeeze another little one in there ; )!

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