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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Trees

We moved into our house 2 weeks before Christmas.  Lets just say it has been nothing but CRAZY around here.  I didn't want to put anything Christmas up until everything was unpacked.  Well.....I don't know what I was thinking because it was taking forever to unpack, get Christmas gifts, wrap them, etc.  The custodian I work with, Phyllis, got on me and told me to stop what I was doing and the get the trees up for my babies.  She said the would only be young once.  She was right.  I went home and put the tree up the next day.  I also put a tree up in the girls room this year.  They loved it.  Each tree matched the color of their room.  They even put up our bear tree in the kitchen.  They love the holidays and it is such a joy watching my little ones grow up.

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