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Monday, November 15, 2010

Our House

Our house is finally going to be finished!  We are so excited.  We signed the contract in April, moved in with my parents in June, and have been living with them since.  It hasn't been as bad as I would have thought, but buying a home is stressful.  Especially if you want it to be perfect like me!  The kids are so excited about their bedrooms and their playroom.  I can't wait to have a home for all the toys.  It seems like we were swimming in them.  With Christmas around the corner, I can't even imagine what these kids are going to get.  I have a feeling Santa is going to be bring a lot of barbie things!
                                                                        Our House
                                                                   Ellie in her room.
                                                           Ashtyn standing in her room.