Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Both girls had a dentist appointment on Nov. 23rd.  This was Ellie's second trip to the dentist and Ashtyn's first.  Ellie was very nervous and did not want to go. Ashtyn was very excited and couldn't wait!  I'm not surprised because there is not much Ash is afraid of. When we got there, Ellie was looking around and you could see tears in her eyes.  All Ashtyn wanted to do was get her jacket off and play with the toys.  We go to Kids Dentistry on State Street in New Albany and love it.  They are very friendly and their office is clean and kid friendly.  Laura (our dental hygienist) took both of the girls back immediately.  I asked if Ashtyn could go first becase I knew if Ellie went and cried there was no way Ash would go (I took both of the girls by myself).  Ashtyn hopped right up and Ms. Laura went to work.  Ashtyn did a great job and she was very excited to get her new Dora toothbrush.  Ellie went next.  She was still a little nervous, but felt a little better because she watched Ashtyn go first.  Both kids even got to take "pictures" of their teeth and Ms. Laura was nice enough to print off a picture for each of them to have.  Overall, no cavities and a painless trip!

1 comment:

  1. Glad the visit went well for both!

    Ps- I think a robot sounds like a great gift idea. :)
