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Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Girls

I just wanted to type some things about the girls while I was thinking of them.
Ellie~ Ellie you are very smart (a little too smart at times).  You have such a caring heart and are always thinking of others.  At times, you show your stubborn side, but we can always count on you to do the right things and help out when needed.  You will start Kindergarten in less than a year and it will be one of the worst days about being a mommy so far.  I want to cry just thinking about my sweet little girl going to school.  You make us so proud and I know this is only the start of all the great things you will do!
Ashtyn~ little Ashtyn.  What can I saw about you?  You came into this world screaming and you have been screaming ever since.  You are such a independant little girl who loves to run around and have fun!  You love your sister so much and want to me just like her.  I think you remind me so much of your Auntie Robin (which by the way you love sooooooo much).  You are now doing gymnastics and love every minute of it.  Your teacher said you are doing so well she wants to move you up.  You love watching the cheerleaders and I think one day you will be one.  You make me so happy and crazy at the same time.  You are so funny and just like your sister, very smart.  You want to have it your way all the time and that is why I think you will be in charge of a big company one day!  I love both of you guys and hope that my memories of you two keeping filling my eyes with tears and my heart with more love!

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