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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Next Mozart

Today my mother-in-law called and signed Ellie up for piano lessons.  She starts next Wednesday and is so excited!  She is such a good listener and I think she will do a great job.  She is now in swimming, school, and piano lessons.  My life is about to get super busy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oh Ashtyn!

Last nigh,t I went to bed early (10:30 pm) with Ashtyn and Carl.  We were lying there trying to go to sleep when out of the blue this dialogue happens....

Ashtyn:   "Dad!"

Carl:  "Yes, Ashtyn."

Ashtyn:  "You drive me nuts!"

How can you not laugh at that!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ashtyn's Haircut

Ashtyn is a on the go kind of girl.  I took her to get a haircut and I didn't like it!  I thought the girl cut it too short!  We are going to be in a wedding in June so we are going to grow it out.  She did a great job though.