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Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Love My Babies

Ashtyn loves her babies.  She reminds me of my sister.  She wants to get a new baby all the time.  I think it is so cute.  She is such a tomboy, but has a super soft spot for babies.  I love it!  The newest baby to her group is big baby.  She loves her and wants to take her everywhere.  So funny.

Summer Trip to Indy

Carl and I decided to take the girls to Indy for an end of the summer trip.  The kids had a blast, but I was exhausted.  First we went to the outlet malls.  This was kind of a disaster.  The kids were so tired and Ashtyn has been having problems going to the bathroom.  I had to take her there about 20 times.  Of course since she is a girl...I took her instead of Carl.  Then I couldn't take the quality time looking through the clothes like I would have liked.  After we left, we went to our hotel.   It was nice and the kids were so excited to sleep in a hotel and it wasn't for one night it was for two!  After we took a little rest, we headed to downtown Indy to walk around and have dinner.  We walked around the monument downtown and went back to the hotel.

Ashtyn and Ellie eating ice cream
The next day we went to the Indianapolis Zoo.  It was so much fun.  They got to pet sharks and see a dolphin show.   The dolphin show was so much fun!

Our final day up in Indy, we went to the Children's Museum.  The kids LOVED this place.  They ran around like CRAZY and it took us over 3 hours.  Ellie loved the Barbie exibit and Ashtyn loved it all. 

The trip was a success, but now I need a vacation all by myself!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Tonight, I held a little preschool class in the kitchen.  I figured it was time to really step up our game and get Ellie working on her letters.  She does a good job with them, but practice makes perfect and we want her going into PreK knowing as much as she can.  Ellie loves school.  So does Ashtyn!  I did a couple letter lessons and we worked on a couple basic sight words.  Ashtyn worked on the letters A, B, C and D.  She wanted to move on quickly, but she could remember the sounds and recognize the letters A and B.  We will see if she remembers them tomorrow. 
Ellie practiced recognizing uppercase and lowercase A and B.  Then she practiced writing them.  We worked on a couple connect the letter pictures as well as a couple mazes.  She loved the mazes.  When it was time to practice sight words, she really didn't like it.  She wanted to move on quickly.  Finally, we read the Step 1 book Cinderella.  Ellie got a little embarrassed and didn't want to point to the words when I was teaching her 1 to 1 correspondence, but Ashtyn jumped right in to pick up where Ellie left off. We finished the school lesson sitting on the coach with daddy and finishing the book.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Daddy Swim Class

Today daddy decided to show Ellie how to put her head under water.  We have to put our head under water willingly before they move us to the next level in swim class....and like a competitive person, he was trying to help her while she was taking a bath so she could move on.  It even went to a new level when he took off his glasses to show her himself.  She is trying her hardest, but daddy is still putting the pressure on.  I can't imagine how he is going to be when she takes up sports!

Swim Class

We started Ellie in an intensive swim class two weeks ago at SIGS.  She loves it!  She is even willing to take a nap before so she can go.  Ellie is learning how to put her head under water, jump in without holding her nose, swim on her back and swim using a board.  She was a little scared at first,but is coming out of her shell.  She still doesn't put her head under the water willingly, but we are working on it.  She is in swim class with her friend Landon and a little girl named Lilly.  You can tell Ellie is a good student because she sits on the edge and listens to the teacher (Miss Kate) and she doesn't say a word.  A little different then her mother!

Silly Girl

Ashtyn was running around the house pulling her skirt up high.  She is so silly. I wanted to blog this so I wouldn't forget the moment.  She is crazy, but I love her!

Cat Nap

It was a rough day for Ashtyn.  She feel asleep in the bed while she was lying down with her Ate (sister).  We told Ellie to be quiet and watch her.  When we went in there to check on them, Ellie was playing her IPOD and she had her feet up over her sleeping sister.  CRAZY!

Summer Fun

The Day Family invited us over for a little cookout and an evening of fun.  We meet the Kahl family at Adam and Hillary's house.  We were late (of course), but finally cooked out.  The kids got together outside and played on a water slide.  They had so much fun, but it was a little scary.  They were flying down at record speeds.  After they finished on the slide, we went inside for a cookie cake.  We snapped a quick picture and headed home.  Thanks to the Day family for hosting.  It was a great time!