Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, December 20, 2010

PJ Party

Hillary had everyone from work over for a PJ and craft party.  We had so much fun!  The kids love getting together with all of their friends and having a good time. Thanks Day family for hosting a great event!

 Cammie and Ellie...Precious!
 Cammie, Maddie, and Coop

All of the kids climbed into Coopers pack in play.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Ashtyn has been very attached to her sister lately.  They have been playing so well together!  I love that they are so close and hope they can stay close as they get older.  Carl even made the comment ONCE that he wished we had one more baby the same age difference apart.  They are great... so great in fact that today when we went to Chick-Fil-A Ashtyn cried hysterically (it was so sad) because Ellie was playing with the other kids and not just her.  It is crazy, but sweet!  Side note:  I have even heard her tell Brady he can't play with Ellie.  Ashtyn also likes to do or say what Ellie does so she is like a little parrot just copying her every word!  I absolutely love it and it fills my heart with joy!  Hopefully the love stays for years to come!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ellie and Christmas

Ellie was playing on the floor in the livingroom when I was working in the kitchen...she asked me if I knew what Christmas was all about.  I thought she would say Jesus especially since she goes to a private preschool. Nope, Christmas is about candy mommy.  I then said to her, "No Ellie that is not what Christmas is about.  It is about Jesus and the day he was born!"  Ellie, "Oh yeah, I was going to say that too!"  Oh, dear!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ashtyns Room

Ashtyn has been sleeping in her bed for almost 2 weeks now! I can't believe she adjusted so well.  It takes a little time to get her down, but she has been doing so well.  She even sleeps in her room for naps!  One night she called me into her room(she does this about 20 times before she finally falls asleep).  This time was a little different.  She looked very upset and said she didn't want to sleep in her room because she saw baby Jesus in there and he was in the manger. I mean really...who's scared of baby Jesus!  I could help but laugh!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lolo's Birthday

Today was Lolo's birthday and it is also the first day we can get into our new house.  Adam is there painting while we are eating out.  We went to Tomo and it was so much fun.  The kids love it and it was so entertaining. After we were finished we went back to the house to get ready for move in day. Happy Birthday Dad (lolo)! We love you!

  Taking a moment with daddy.
Ellie having a good time.

 Ashtyn trying chopsticks.